Vt. semiquincentennial event planning underway

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – The country is still a couple of years away from 2026, which marks 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but planning is already well underway in Vermont.

Vermont’s state historic sites will be involved in three years of Semiquincentennial events. They include special exhibits at the Calvin Coolidge Historical Site and the Bennington Battle Monument. There will also be a bigger-than-usual celebration on Mount Independence in Orwell, and a reopening of Vermont’s old Constitution House in Windsor to reenact the signing of the state constitution.

“Things like this don’t happen overnight. So, we want to make sure that we’ve got some support to communities out there and ideas flowing and organized and coordinated so that not all the same events are happening at the same time,” said Laura Trieschmann, chair of the Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission.

There are grants available through the Vermont Historical Society to help towns that want to support the 250th planning.

You can learn more about the preparations — and the money available — this Sunday at 11:30 WCAX’s “You Can Quote Me.”

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