Green Mountain Transit to cut back services

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – Green Mountain Transit says it will cut back on services after facing some financial troubles.

GMT says for the past five years, it has seen a 34% increase in service costs.

To keep up with expenses alongside inflation, the pandemic and lack of revenue, service will be cut by about 29%.

Over the next eight months, the company will evaluate funds and talk with towns about service draft assessments for the future.

GMT also predicts several layoffs and ticket price increases in the next year.

“Probably the earliest we would see reductions happen would be sometime in 2025. So please don’t think this is something that is going to be impacting your commute on our buses next week. We will come up with a proposal for reductions that we will share with the public, get their feedback,” said Clayton Clark, the general manager of Green Mountain Transit.

GMT hopes the Legislature will also help the service secure more funds for the coming year.

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